The following options are available for submitting authorizations should Carelon Medical Benefits Management or eviCore healthcare experience issues with their web portals, phone or fax lines.
If Carelon has a system outage, please follow these steps:
- If Carelon's phones are down, please submit authorizations via Carelon's ProviderPortal.
- If Carelon's ProviderPortal is down, please submit authorizations via Carelon's customer service phone number: (877) 291-0509.
- If Carelon's fax is down, please submit authorizations via Carelon's ProviderPortal or through Carelon's customer service phone number (877) 291-0509.
- If all Carelon systems are down, please wait for system restoration and submit all authorizations regardless of date. We will accept retroactive authorizations for the days the Carelon system is unavailable and reprocess claims accordingly. All retroactive authorizations are subject to member eligibility and medical necessity review. Please submit retroactive authorizations within two days of system restoration.
For Medicare Advantage members: When Carelon’s phone lines or ProviderPortal are down, providers may submit requests by fax to (773) 864-4601.
Please follow the steps below should eviCore healthcare have a system outage:
- If eviCore's phones are down, please submit authorizations via eviCore's web portal or by fax to (855) 774-1319.
- If eviCore's web portal is down, please submit authorizations via eviCore's customer service phone number (855) 252-1115 or by fax to (855) 774-1319.
- If eviCore's fax is down, please submit authorizations via eviCore's web portal or eviCore's customer service phone number (855) 252-1115.
- If all systems are down, please wait for system restoration and submit all authorizations regardless of date. We will accept retroactive authorizations for the days the system is unavailable and reprocess claims accordingly. All retroactive authorizations are subject to member eligibility and medical necessity review. Please submit retroactive authorizations within two day of system restoration.